Differentiated Instruction

Price: 490

Original Price: 1490

Special Price:  490

Delivery: Live Interactive Classes
*Only for 100 teachers*


Students have different learning styles and a one-size-fits-all approach to teach students leaves behind a lot of them. The content or subject matter has to be presented differently if learning outcomes have to be met. Howard Gardner’s Theory of Eight Intelligences created a revolution as perhaps for the first time, many became aware of the multiple types of human intelligence and the different ways by which information is processed in the brain.
Understand students’ knowledge and skills. Learn to help students by providing them with various means to improve their engagement and learning. Know about your students’ specific strengths, needs, and areas of growth. Become an effective teacher. 
Join the Course on ‘Multiple Intelligences’.

What You Will Learn:

Do you want to stand out as an exceptional teacher? 
Understand students’ knowledge and skills. Learn to help students by providing them with various means to improve their engagement and learning. Know about your students’ specific strengths, needs and areas of growth. Become an effective teacher. 
Join the Course on ‘Multiple Intelligences’.

Admission on first come first basis