Value Education

Price: 490

Original Price: 1490

Special Price:  490

Delivery: Live Interactive Classes
*Only for 100 teachers*


Teaching is not a mere transmission of information from the book to the head but the art of transforming impressionable young minds with more than just bookish knowledge. Aristotle said, "Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."  
If teachers have to transform students, they will have to bring about that change in their own selves first. Transformation means breaking old habits, discarding previously held thoughts, unlearning and relearning every passing day and adapting wisely to the modifications that are necessitated by the winds of change.
The teacher needs to go beyond identifying each child as a mere roll number and look at each one as a potential achiever and design activities that can bring the latent talent in the child to the forefront in the class. 
Do you want to become an inspiring teacher? Would you like to create students who would become the pride of the nation? 
Know more by enrolling for the course.

What You Will Learn:

Would you like to go beyond identifying each child as a mere roll number and look at each one as a potential achiever and design activities that can bring the latent talent in the child to the forefront in the class?
Do you want to become an inspiring teacher? Would you like to create students who would become the pride of the nation? 
Know more by enrolling for the course.

Admission on first come first basis