Value Education

Price: 490

Original Price: 1490

Special Price:  490

Delivery: Live Interactive Classes
*Only for 100 teachers*


Education should aim at the blossoming of the human personality. Education is for life and not merely for eking out a living. Values regulate and guide human behavior and action in everyday life. Values must be internalized if students have to become productive citizens in society.
However, these values should be imbibed from the lessons, that is, values should be caught and not taught explicitly. Therefore, it is important that values are integrated into the lessons subtly and every teacher in every subject should be able to weave them as part of the content effortlessly. How can values be integrated into the curriculum and also into co-curricular subjects like games and sports, art, and craft?
Register for the course to know more on the subject of value education.

What Will You Learn:

Can values be taught in schools exclusively?
How can value education help a child to reach its full potential?
How can values be integrated into the curriculum and also into co-curricular subjects like games and sports, art and craft? 
Register for the course to know more on the subject of value education.

Admission on first come first basis